Graduation Show Website
Research, Ideation, Development, Testing, Debugging
October 2018–April 2019 (10 Weeks)
Sketch, Abstract, Github, Atom, After Effects, Lottie & Bodymovin, JavaScript, LESS, Styled Components
Project Summary
I was part of the web design team that had the opportunity to build a custom website showcasing the work of the graduating class of 2019.
Each of the team members had a hand in the design; usually splitting up the responsibilities by a component by component basis.
My main role was web development of the website. This was no simple task requiring research of the tools, buidling the code, and managing the hundreds of posts and thousands of images. Zilin Deng and I settled on Gatsby and React to fulfill the need sourcing our data from markdown files and collaborating using GitHub.
Although this project was a ton of work, my understanding of front-end development grew leaps and bounds while reaching a total of over 2500 page views.
Check it out here → ysdn2019.com