YSDN 2019 Teaser
Grad Show Splash Page
Research, Ideation, Development, Testing, Debugging
January–February 2019 (5 Weeks)
Sketch, Abstract, Github, Atom, CodeKit, After Effects, D3, Lottie & Bodymovin, JavaScript, LESS, Firebase
Project Summary
For the 2019 YSDN Grad Show, we designed two websites—this being the first one which teased the event. The branding team developed a sticker motif and we ran with it; ending up with a sticker gun! In mid-January, I came up with a proof-of-concept using the D3 library for data query and SVG creation. I then appended <g> elements to that SVG element on a user click or every 200ms when the user is "dragging." Overall, this was a great little design and development exercise that was challeging and fun to play with at the end!
Check it out here → ysdn2019.firebaseapp.com